Hi There Thanks for this information. I suggest you make a posting about it on EUGRIS at www.eugris.info EUGRIS is a web portal offering information and services on topics related to soil and water, initially focusing on the problems contaminated land and water. EUGRIS operates as a community of collaborating projects, people and organisations who co-operate to supply information for the benefit of everyone and also to promote themselves and disseminate their work. EUGRIS receives up to 20,000 visits each week (and many more hits). As well as a web site entry, each new posting is circulated on a monthly-enews to over 2,700 registered users interested in soil and water issues registered users. So that is good promotion - and its free! You can do these postings yourself. You can also publicise the book via EUGRIS (soil and water portal), which has in the region of half a million visitors a year. To do this, go to www.eugris.info and register. Once you have received your registration e-mail, log in. After log-in click "Click here to go back to the page you were working on" or "home". Then click "EUGRIS Toolbox" in the "Use EUGRIS column". You can then choose from two options: 1) Add an item of information directly to the EUGRIS library as a "resource, project, training/conference etc" OR 2) Create a news item, be sure to choose the correct classes of news item, and after you have made the news you’ll be prompted to add the event / publication etc to the EUGRIS library. If it is your first time on EUGRIS we'd suggest option 1. You can post information about any / all items that you might think would interest contaminated land specialists, or the soil and water community more generally. All the best Paul